My Arty Crafty Scrapbook

Tales of my handmade adventures and daily living

Flower Power!

on July 19, 2011

Last night I had another great evening at Jen’s (with another pal), where we were able to introduce Letitia Buff-Orpington to her husband, Bertie.  Unfortunately it was a private affair – closed to press photographers – but we’re hoping to catch them together again soon.  Pictures will follow!

As a result of my gallavanting,  I was fairly late to bed, especially for a bed/sleep-lover like me who aims to be sound asleep by 11 pm.   Consequently this morning I managed to sleep in (not intentionally), although a country walk with the dogs soon refreshed the parts that tea and coffee could not reach… especially when Henry very thoughtfully found a marvellously squidgy cowpat and proceeded to roll in it, head and all.  And yes, it was just as “euuuuuuuuwwww” as you would imagine.  He then refused to jump into the water trough so had to be taken into Tina’s back garden for a hose-down before I would even let him get in the car.  As soon as we got home, he was out in the garden for a shampoo and second hose-down then dried unceremoniously before being allowed in the house.  That was enough to wake me up even on a bad day!

However, it was impossible not to be cheered by a generous helping of sunshine today, and an opportunity to practice my newly acquired skill of crochet flower-making:

These are very addictive, and a big thanks goes to Lucy at Attic24 for her brilliant tutorials and wonderful blog.  I also found instructions for making a flat circle, so here’s what I have so far:

Yesterday I also managed to have a go at another project I’d seen on Lola Nova’s blog which incorporated an old bangle (thanks to Hannah for that!), converting it into a really quirky little picture frame:

By the end of the day, my kitchen table was looking very decorative, with small woollen flowers strewn amongst the hyacinthe vases and the (ikea) tealight candle holders …

Prompted by the good weather, I also planted out some borage seeds,  a small batch of spring onions and some carrots (all carefully placed in the fence-mounted ikea tubs, out of reach of rotten spaniels!).  My strawberry plants have turned into triffids, sending out runners left, right and centre, so I’m doing my best to “capture” those into pots ready for next year.  I also “earthed up” my brussel sprouts – this probably didn’t need doing, but it made me feel like a proper gardener!  Finally, I planted(?) some alfalfa, broccoli and red cabbage seeds onto wet kitchen roll indoors, in the hope that in 5-10 days we’ll have lovely fresh sprouting seeds to add to our salad.

So, the plants have been watered and put to bed (as Gary says), the rabbit has been fed and also put to bed, and Henry is gently snoring on his bed beside my desk.  My turn to go to bed now – some Tolstoy tonight methinks….

Night night, Sleep tight

Don’t let the bedbugs bite.

If they do, grab your shoe…

and beat them til they’re black and blue!


One response to “Flower Power!

  1. Jen says:

    Wow they all look great! I was wondering if one could do a sort of chrysanthemum type flower from a flat round…? Yes I know I should learn to walk before trying to run but hey!

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